On 12/3/07, Milan Jurik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> > I strongly disagree, for two reasons:
> >
> > 1. if the system engineering has done their job correctly, no
> interactive logging in of any kind, by either the root or odrinary users
> should take place on the system - ever
> >
> > 2. RBAC is present only on Solaris and therefore useless in homogenous
> environments; sudo would have been a much better choice, especially because
> it makes system administration consistent and homogenous.
> >
> > I do not at all appreciate RBAC.
> >
> And I don't like sudo. Too strange thing.
> And in that case we should forget about ZFS (because it is administred
> in different way), dtrace (strange, it is not on AIX or HP-UX), FMA,
> what else? Time to forget ACLs, they are not managed in the same way
> around all OSes...
> RBAC is Solaris way, correct and clean. Not sudo hack. You can use it,
> nobody will stop you. But don't stop RBAC just only because you don't
> understand RBAC. Write sudo wrapper around RBAC, if you want.

Even for a newcomer in the Solaris world, "UNIX admin"'s views seem
extremely biased. Nobody's going to die if there's a /root entry in the file
system (God forbid you'd want a custom .vimrc when you're running as root!)
or if `uname -a` prints something different from SunOS. Or having a BASH as
the default shell.

I'm sure that Indiana has a lot of flaws, but channeling so much energy into
bikeshedding talks is counterproductive at least.

Andrei Maxim
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