UNIX admin wrote:
>> I'm no religious zealot, but I don't get that. You
>> flame bash for not 
>> being bourne shell compatible enough, but then go and
>> suggest tcsh?
> So let me explain: for system and package scripts, /sbin/sh. For interactive 
> use, either tcsh or zsh.
> Still confused? A true sysadmin will have tried it all, i.e. "distrust all 
> claims for one true way". Will have burned himself, will have learned from 
> that experience.
Agreed. And each will end up with a different solution.

I've been burned by bash - well by it not always being available - By 
then I knew of ksh. And I'll be honest, I was plesantly surprised how 
complete KSH was in terms of what I used everyday interactively.

When admin I interactively, I almost always end up writing short 
(one-off) scripts on the command line. I couldn't live with the command 
line using a different scripting syntax than the script files I wrote.

Hey, but that's just me!

Thanks for your explanation of where you use the different shells. That 
I'm still curious what about the csh interface you prefer for 
interactive use?
And I'm not saying you shouldn't prefer it etiher, I'm just wondering 
what I'm missing?


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