> UNIX admin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> "If this is the future that awaits us, I shudder at
> it. If I wanted to run a *UNIX-like* operating
> system,
> I'd go ahead and run that GNU/Linux garbage, not
> SunOS!"
> --------------->
> Well, that 'garbage' is running on the TOP FIVE
> supercomputers in the world (sidenote: The SGI Altix
> ICE 8200 supercomputer in New Mexico runs GNU/Linux
> as

You know, IRIX was once among the top five or top ten of the supercomputing 

Just the finest, most sophisticated, user-friendly, futuristic System V UNIX I 
have ever had the  privilege of working on.

sgi is now all but dead, and IRIX has been shelved.

Microsoft BASIC was once Alfa & Omega, where is it today?

Hey, I've been around. For the past 22+ years in the computer world; I've seen 
things come and go.

The fact that GNU garbage is fashionable now, that means nothing. Nothing! More 
and more people realize they MUST work with computers because computers are the 
future, but that does not mean that they are actually computer literate. In 
fact, most aren't, which is sad but true.
> Hate to see
> it "trashed" even if I am a OpenSolaris advocater.

I don't. I've lived to see so many really, really good technologies die.
It's about time that one which is trash take the plunge.

This GNU trash propagates, while BSDs, which are much more deserving, suffer. 
So much for how fair life is, and how computer literate people overall are.
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