> It's promising to see that Mac OS X, a strong BSD
> UNIX, is looking  
> more and more like Solaris with every new release. Go
> play with  
> Leopard if you get a chance.

I was actually referring more along the lines of pure BSDs, like Free and 

I have Tiger at home. I had hoped that it would be more BSD-like. It would be a 
fine operating system, if Apple hadn't gone and replaced a bunch of traditional 
UNIX flat text files with binary databases.

I'm still on the fence about whether I want to shell out 180 bucks for an OS 
with a pretty dock upgrade and icomplete ZFS support. Mmmm, I think I'll wait 
before I give my money to Apple Computer. Since they are asking serious dough 
(when compared to Solaris price, which is gratis), I think I'll let Apple 
Computer earn their keep.
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