Possible resolution: Respin the Indiana preview with
the latest fixes and updates as a December update? We
could review the "situation" during the holidays
before the next official beta release???

1. This allows a better community and communication
vehicle on 'where we are today' so the community and
developers can help polish the product more

2. Fixes a few minor issues we had with the initial
product and add suggestions made after many reviews
(note: package management toolset).

I can see the Indiana CD replacing "SXCE" one day but
not SXDE - in concept of a larger distro under the
"tested and supported by Sun" model and beta product
packaging.  The smaller CD allows a quicker way of
distribution for review of the latest OpenSolaris 
code from various projects. Consumers can then
download "on demand" what they need from the package
repository sites. Make sure consumers understand that
the sold and marketed Solaris product and SXDE are
main avenues for application software developement and
commercial product testing (just to keep things on the
safe side). Indiana is more desktop-oriented and
"open" so you may not get all your nicely "closed"
binary code that will allow you to run Java Enterprise
or StarOffice products on Indiana. 

3. Also need to look at the bi-weekly updates versus
monthly updates. Monthly updates allow "issues" to be
resolved a bit more than the bi-weekly model. Yet, I'm
sure internally this has been discussed.

4. The concept of community contributions versus
internally contributors during the Indiana project
seems constricting more than expanding. I say this as
users and journalists have commented on the "Indiana
preview CD" - yet seem to not have knowledge of the
many updates and "http://defect.opensolaris.org"; to
submit bugs and enhancement requests. 

5. I see the opportunity of updating wikis and blogs
with an easy navigation on the latest Indiana-based
info so users don't have to wade through a
"Encyclopedia Brittanica" of webpages and sites on the
Indiana-based projects just to get packages downloaded
or a sound card working correctly. Maybe letting
people know more about http://planet.opensolaris.org
and http://www.genunix.org will help consumers stay
up-to-date on where they can download Indiana-based
distros and read up on the community evangelism

Indiana provides a great baseline for developers to
take a 'reference CD' and build upon. Hopefully, Y2008
will show more innovation and consumer acceptance of
the concept as the OpenSolaris community moves forward
on this initiative.

~ Ken Mays

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