On Dec 2, 2007 5:50 AM, UNIX admin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The unthinkable has happened: SunOS backwards compatibility has been broken.

You are aware that Indiana hasn't gone through ARC yet and is an early
prototype; right?

> Broken:
> root's home directory is in /root; this is a SEVERE ERROR. We're not on 
> Linux, and this isn't Linux land!

I wasn't aware that Sun had any documentation that guaranteed root's
home. How does this break backwards compatibility? Personal
preferences do not count here.

> Broken:
> all my System V compliant packages are no longer installable, instead 
> `pkgadd` exits with exit code 1 (fatal error), because 
> /var/sadm/install/contents is empty.

There was a bug in the version of pkgadd that was initially released,
an update is available. Look here for instructions to update:

I have installed a few System V packages myself without an issue.

However, yes, it is likely that there will not be 100% package
dependency compliance. However, I don't think Sun has ever guaranteed
that either.

> Broken:
> after the installation, the system was rendered unbootable. I had to go into 
> the BIOS and play Russian roulette (I have four identical drives) to find the 
> drive "Indiana" was on, and edit GRUB lines with the correct "root (hd3,0,a)" 
> to be able to boot. No trace of detecting Windows XP professional on my first 
> drive (this is a documented issue though, but the first one isn't).

Please file a bug at http://defect.opensolaris.org

I did not have this issue personally.

> Broken:
> even after editing /boot/grub/menu.lst, GRUB still "wouldn't take"; changes 
> weren't visible in the GRUB boot menu.

Again, this is an early prototype "Developer Preview" not a final
release, and not a fully QA'd one.

> Broken:
> default shell given to root and to myself is /bin/bash; this is a SEVERE 
> ERROR (the worst of all). Not only do I not want to have to go and modify the 
> system to remove that bash GARBAGE of a shell, it's unacceptable to have to 
> do that for every engineering cycle of a new build.

This was a last minute change that hasn't gone through ARC yet.
Discussions are still under way as to what the shell will be. It is
premature to call this a severe error until a comittment has been made
for this interface change.

In short, why didn't you send this to indiana-discuss? This is not a
final QA'd, and ARC'd release.

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst

"We don't have enough parallel universes to allow all uses of all
junction types--in the absence of quantum computing the combinatorics
are not in our favor..." --Larry Wall
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