On Dec 4, 2007 3:36 PM, David Lloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Brian,
> > I think that you need to remember that SXCE serves more than one
> > purpose. One purpose is to serve as the base binary distribution
> > system on which OpenSolaris development is based.
> In another thread, though, it appears that Indiana is meant to replace
> SXCE...
> > This is required
> > because not all of the consolidations have been open sourced yet,
> > nor all of the code in the ones that have been open sourced. In
> > this capacity, once Indiana is complete, this need will disappear.
> But why would this stop Indiana from being released, presuming Indiana
> some form of Sun blessed products? Given that the current SXCE contains
> this proprietary code and it can be obtained for free, so could Indiana
> contain this proprietary code and be obtained for free.
> I don't see any technical or legal blockers to doing that unless Indiana
> contains something that won't live with proprietary code (such as
> something core that is GPLv?).

Actually, there are legal blockers to one of the primary goals of Indiana:

* Freely redistributable

Many components of SXCE while "free to download" can only be
distributed by Sun under various restrictions.

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst

"To err is human -- and to blame it on a computer is even more so." -
Robert Orben
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