Ceri Davies writes:
> On Sat, Dec 08, 2007 at 11:53:27PM -0800, Chandan Maddanna wrote:
> > Guys to be more clear, look at the diagram below, and tell me how to get a 
> > single load spread 2 Gbps link  with IP Multi Pathing on Solaris 10 ?
> > 
> > Note : Please see Image Below .
> > 
> > 
> > <img src="http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/8928/ipmpmultipathinghz4.gif";> 
> > </img>
> > 
> > Now i don't want two public ip , what i need is just one IP which utilizes 
> > the bandwidth provided by both the nic's. Can anyone help me out guys . 
> > 
> > meaning i want active-active configuration and i should use one ip at 
> > client side and it should make use of the bandwidth of both the NIC's .. 
> > can this be done and how, just outbound load spreading is enough for me, as 
> > there is no much in bound load generated, except few scsi commands through 
> > ip and stuff.. 
> You can't; there is no inbound load-spreaing with IPMP.

That's not quite true.

IPMP's inbound load spreading makes use of multiple data addresses in
a group.  When we make outbound connections to multiple peers and
there are multiple data addresses, we'll intentionally round-robin
select among those addresses to use as source addresses, each with a
separate MAC address.  That allows the return traffic to be spread
among the available links.

The other part of the picture is DNS.  For spreading of inbound
connections, you should insert all of the data addresses as IN A
records for a single name, and configure your server so that it does
round-robin responses.  (If the peers are Solaris, disabling or
configuring nscd may be necessary.)

As for outbound load spreading alone, as long as interfaces are marked
"up" in the group, they'll be used.  They don't all have to have
addresses, and interfaces that are "up" but with address will
be used for outbound load spreading using source (data) addresses from
other interfaces.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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