chandan maddanna writes:
> Now as james said, i am thinking if there are three interfaces in the ipmp
> group, i will use address on one and other two i will mark, and make
> them "up". So it does efficient outbound load spreading, in Round Robin
> Type.

Note that the load spreading is _currently_ done on a per-peer basis,
so if you have multiple connections to the same remote node, you
generally won't get load spreading among those connections.

Even if we change this implementation detail at some point in the
future (which is quite possible), you won't get load spreading within
a single flow (e.g., a single TCP/IP stream) due to reordering
concerns.  (That's also true for aggregations.)

> And for clients, at the receiving end, what i am planning to use aggregated
> links, Something like this :
> # dladm create-aggr -d e1000g0 -d e1000g1 -d e1000g2 1
> # ifconfig aggr1 plumb <> up

I'm a bit confused by that.

This may well work, but if aggregation is possible, I would have
expected that it would be possible at both ends.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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