You could take a look at Sun Trunking 1.3, but Sun Trunking 1.3, like any 
server trunking software, load balances the outgoing traffic, not the incoming 
packets. Trunking 1.3 software relies on the link partner (switch or server) to 
load balance the incoming packets.

1. Download the binary.
2. Search the Installation Guide
3. Follow the installation steps stated in page 46 
4. Install the appropriate patches are referenced in the product for only 
Production version of Solaris i.e 10u4 or only use the latest OpenSolaris.
5. Set local-mac-address as root on the command-line for sparc eeprom 
6. Reboot

So one workaround I have only been able to use for services entries. i.e oracle 
tnsnames, or nfs, for the inbound using standard IPMP with active - active and 
two virtual interfaces hostnames and IP's defined one for each ipmp-group so 
then define each Virtual Interfaces for your 10 and 20 IP address in the hosts 
and dns with repect to each physical IP and hostname, then for your 10 and 20 
virtual interface hostnames share the entries i.e hostnames VirtInt10 and 
VirtInt20 your dfstab and set the automounter to make use of both virtual 
interface hostnames and set the time out to allow fail over to work in a timely 
manner i.e automounter, I am not sure of a ISCSI client can make use of a 
second known virtual and has a time out value for hostname or not in using a 
inbound traffic? maybe a RFE could be added, if technically is sound!
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