On Feb 6, 2008 3:27 PM, Joerg Schilling
> "Shawn Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > ANd giving them ksh (or even dash I imagine) on Solaris isn't going to
> > > be that noticeable then, or  any better. Theonly thing they'll
> > > appreciate is giving them bash complete with it's bugs.
> >
> > A working backspace key isn't going to be noticed?
> Do you really like to "discuss" at a knowledge level of an average
> Linux user?
> If you like to discuss these things, please first try to understand the
> background.
> If you like to have an acceptable workaround for the ill-designed IBM-PC
> keyboard, you should use "rxvt" or the "gnome terminal". This will give you
> the expected "DEL" character from the key at the mechanical position of the
> "delete key".
> If you like to see the incorrect backspace behavior of bash, use bash.

If Solaris is going to remain commercially viable, it must transform and adopt.

Some of those changes will be unpopular, but they are the right changes to make.

People who enjoy a UNIX system that acts like a VT100 or pdp-11 after
30 years are welcome to keep it, the rest of us are ready to move on.

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst

"To err is human -- and to blame it on a computer is even more so." -
Robert Orben
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