On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 12:49 PM, Ken Gunderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Mar 2008 07:46:38 -0500
>  "Shawn Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 2:02 AM, Ken Gunderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > >  I've used both Gnome and KDE off and on since 0.x days but ditched both
>  > >  in favor of Xfce in more recent years.  In my opinion Sun (along with
>  > >  other US corps) bet on the wrong horse with Gnome.  I'm looking forward
>  > >  to the ongoing KDE4 work (although KDE has become a bit too "glitzy" for
>  > >  me) but that's going to be a while yet.
>  > >
>  > >  What would be really appreciated is if Sun/OS would invest some
>  > >  energies in porting Xfce - lightweight, fast, and sports a nice window
>  > >  manager that actually does useful things like shade on mouse title bar
>  > >  scroll, right click anywhere for full menu, page desktops on mouse
>  > >  scroll, etc. It's gtk based and attracts a lot of "Gnome refugees" to
>  > >  it's ranks, so should not be too hard to port, eh?
>  >
>  > xfce has a long way to go before getting to Section 508 compliance, etc.
>  Not sure about this one, but who cares?  Why should majority suffer
>  additional bloat and bugs for a small minority so long as _other_
>  options exist that _do_ accommodate that minority?

Sun as a public company is *required* by law to seek Section 508 compliance.

People who don't have friends or family members, or who themselves are
not physically disadvantaged in some way, often don't understand the
need for Section 508 compliance.

These folks are disadvantaged, through no fault of their own usually,
and deserve the same opportunities we have to use software and live

>  > It also is relatively immature compared to KDE or GNOME for now.
>  -1

-1 means nothing in this context. GNOME has a hig, has had numerous
accessibility and other studies performed, and especially on Solaris,
is far better supported.

>  > GNOME is far more mature as a platform than KDE or XFCE, right now,
>  > when it comes to accessibility, etc.
>  -1

-1 what?

>  > For many business purposes, GNOME still has friendlier licensing than
>  > KDE or components KDE relies on as well.
>  Care to back this up with specific references?

It's quite simple. GNOME is primarily LGPL. KDE relies on many GPL
components, especially its core window toolkit.

Sun came to the same conclusion when they chose GNOME, so I'm told.

>  > Sun spent millions on GNOME in years past before xfce was really known
>  > at all, so it makes sense for them to stick with their investment.
>  No it doesn't.  When you've made a mistake, smart leaders correct
>  rather than pouring good money after bad.

I haven't seen anything to prove it was a mistake yet.

Quite the opposite.

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst

"To err is human -- and to blame it on a computer is even more so." -
Robert Orben
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