yesterday I installed Solaris 01/08 on a Sun's server with two 2Ghz Opterons  
and 2 GB ram
(I don't remember the model of the server but it's one of those 1U 
servers with -hideous- rocket-loud fans that never slow down, maybe VX2200 ? )

I configured the bundled Mysql 5.0.xx to work on a ZFS pool made on a raid1 on 
2 bundled disks, but although I followed all the tuning tips found in various 
Sun bloggers,
that can be resumed as:
- limiting zfs's usage of memory to 256MB (appending to /etc/system
set zfs:zfs_arc_max = 0x8000000
and rebooting, hopefully I did the right thing)

- increasing up to 1.5GB the parameter innodb_buffer_pool_size
and up to 48M innodb_additional_mem_pool_size (in steps, of course)

- trying innodb_flush_method = O_DIRECT

- zfs's recordsize=16k on that particular pool, set before creating a single
file on it

the performance is simply despairing. Just to give you and idea: an import from 
a 7 MB
SQL dumpe takes 9 seconds if I set engine=myisam, and 98 seconds if 
Considering that both myisam and innodb tables are stored on the same zfs pool 
and on the same directory I daresay that there's something extremely wrong in 
interaction of my innodb with zfs.

I hope that someone can help me.

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