On Thursday 10 April 2008 02:21:36 you wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 5, 2008 at 1:15 AM, Nico Sabbi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> >  - limiting zfs's usage of memory to 256MB (appending to
> > /etc/system set zfs:zfs_arc_max = 0x8000000
> >  and rebooting, hopefully I did the right thing)
> My gut reaction is that you've shot yourself in the foot by making
> the ARC cache so small. Have you done any tests with the default
> settings?

yes, I limited the ARC only after having verified that the default 
setting (unspecified in /etc/system) was too slow.
What would be a good value considering that the server has 2 GB
of ram?

> The size of the ARC should vary on memory pressure from other apps
> running on the server, but should not exceed 1GB. Unless you know
> that the MySQL instance and other apps on the system will always
> consume 1.5GB of memory, you're limiting your performance.

when I set a virtual memory limit of 4GB to mysql it died
very soon, so I guess it really needs a lot of memory
(it's full of frequently accessed databases)

> MySQL with InnoDB performs better with a smaller buffer pool size
> on ZFS, relying instead on the ZFS cache. Increasing the buffer
> pool size and decreasing the ARC cache size is the exact opposite
> of what you want to do.
> -B

terrible. I'll run some test and report. Thanks for your help
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