On Sat, Apr 5, 2008 at 1:15 AM, Nico Sabbi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  - limiting zfs's usage of memory to 256MB (appending to /etc/system
>  set zfs:zfs_arc_max = 0x8000000
>  and rebooting, hopefully I did the right thing)

My gut reaction is that you've shot yourself in the foot by making the
ARC cache so small. Have you done any tests with the default settings?

The size of the ARC should vary on memory pressure from other apps
running on the server, but should not exceed 1GB. Unless you know that
the MySQL instance and other apps on the system will always consume
1.5GB of memory, you're limiting your performance.

MySQL with InnoDB performs better with a smaller buffer pool size on
ZFS, relying instead on the ZFS cache. Increasing the buffer pool size
and decreasing the ARC cache size is the exact opposite of what you
want to do.


"The good is the enemy of the best." - Nietzsche
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