> I have installed the Solaris Express b93, but when I
> log in, I can only use gnome, there is no CDE in the
> session menu. what can i do as I want to use CDE as
> it consumes less cpu than GNOME.

Most of it is still there, but I think by default gdm is being
run instead of dtlogin, and the session files for CDE may no
longer be present in the appropriate place under /usr/dt.
However, I've upgraded from earlier builds, and am still running
CDE just fine on snv_93; although since at least snv_90, there's
a problem with Xsun or more likely one of the libs it depends on
that causes it to die when resizing windows, but only under dtwm.
Since Xsun is closed, and Xorg doesn't support my graphics hardware
(unless I can get a build with Martin's ports of the BSD ffb driver
working), there's probably not much I can do to figure out that

Most of the configuration files under /usr/dt can also have
site-specific versions in the corresponding location under /etc/dt,
which will be used first if found; I had overriding versions of quite
a few of those which I kept, so that may also have something to do
with why I'm still working.

So I suspect that until all the desktop bits actually get yanked
out (/usr/dt/bin and some of the CDE-specific libraries (i.e. other
than Motif itself) in /usr/dt/lib), it should still be possible to make
it work.  Even then, it should be possible (if totally unsupported
and non-redistributable) to retrofit the last functioning CDE to
later builds; people have done that with the older Open Look
deskset, and 99% of it still works (one or two things might be
broken by now).

Some time ago, there was a petition to open-source CDE.  See

It's been awhile since the last status update there, no idea if it will
happen.  I hope it will; there are actually quite a few tweaks available
to CDE (including more active front-panel controls, like a volume knob,
a digital clock, some perl scripts to automatically create holiday entries
in the calendar (which will cause the digital clock to switch to an
italic font on holidays), etc; and it's not hard to add menu items,
application icons, backgrounds, etc; so although the appearance may
not follow the latest fashion, quite a bit of cosmetic and even
functional extension is possible).  Heck, I'd written a tool or two
to control CDE (send window manager "f." commands from a shell
script, for example).

If CDE is open-sourced, I may be one of those interested in keeping
it running on Solaris; I'm not much into desktop-ish GUI stuff in
general, but I understand CDE about as well as possible for not
having seen the source (having reverse-engineered some of it), and
wouldn't expect to have too much trouble getting it to behave
reasonably well (if not exactly in line with all of Sun's tweaks) from
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