> > but java desktop environment counsumes very much
> cpu, I don't like it.
> Many Open Look fans said the same about CDE when that
> abomination was
> thrust upon us!

At least dtmail uses MIME by default, rather than the old Sun-specific
mail attachment scheme.

A number of extensions were incorporated into either CDE as a whole
(tear-off menus as equivalent to Open Look's pinnable menus, for 
example), or at least into Sun's (.text_extras_menu for dtpad, or
maybe that made it back into the CDE base, I don't know), to
accomodate Open Look users.  I wouldn't go so far as to call CDE
an abomination by any means; I don't think Motif is all that great,
but if you want abomination, look at the output of ldd on some random
GNOME app.  That aside, CDE has i18n, lots of click-monkey stuff, and
is quite configurable if not all that visually appealing.  I've seldom had
much trouble getting it to do what I wanted to, save only that there's
a lot of magic that goes on between the components that would have
made it easier had it been designed to be opened up more (some of the
_Dt* functions in libDtSvc, some undocumented dtwm f. commands,

And IMO, the gap in terms of memory requirements between
GNOME and CDE is quite a bit larger than that between CDE and
Open Look, for quite a bit less than a proportionate amount of
additional functionality that could be attributed to the GUI toolkit

IMO, one should be able to run openoffice + firefox + one or two
other big apps plus the basic desktop stuff without needing 4GB
or more RAM to run it decently.  Firefox is perhaps the worst single
culprit, but everything helps (or hurts), and the desktop change
isn't helping.

Again, I really think it's more RAM than CPU though...
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