Hi Dave,
Thanks for your advice.

I edited the GRUB config for 2008.5, replacing 'ISADIR with amd64 as you 
suggested. It got me a little further but OpenSolaris still failed to boot.

I just gave b93 a go - this was more successful, but the LiveDVD has exited at 
the point just after 'Reading ZFS Config: done'.

The error message given is 'ERROR: Cannot find Java software, Exiting to shell'.

It then drops me back into a shell, with no obvious way of resuming the 

Any ideas?

Graeme West
Web Services Development Architect
Spoken Word Services
Glasgow Caledonian University

Tel: (+44) 0141 331 8544
Project web site:

On 4 Aug 2008, at 18:14, Dave Miner wrote:

Graeme West wrote:
Hi there,
I've been attempting to install OpenSolaris 2008.5 as a fully
virtualised guest on a CentOS 5.2 Xen host. When I boot the OpenSolaris
DomU for the first time, I get the blue screen allowing me to pick
either the OpenSolaris installer or the text mode installer, but after
that the installation hangs. It gets as far as:

SunOS Release 5.11 Version snv_86 32-bit
Copyright 1983-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Hostname: opensolaris
Remounting root read/write
Probing for device nodes...

I'm using the GUI guest OS installer in virt-manager. Here is my setup
for the VM:

Mode: Full virtualisation (64-bit)
Disk: 32GB flat file
Start-up RAM: 2GB
VCPUs: 8     (the machine has 8 real CPUs)
OS install image: os200805.iso

I suspect that this could be something to do with the OpenSolaris
installer starting in 32-bit mode. I didn't get the option to pick
between 32 and 64 bit modes for the VM when running through the install
setup. Is this the problem, and is there a way to force OpenSolaris to
start the install CD in 64-bit mode?

This should just work, bug 315 (defect.opensolaris.org) was fixed
precisely to support running as a domU, but perhaps there's something
different with the CentOS host implementation that reflects a different
device setup.

The live CD boot is set up to automatically select 64-bit if the
platform reports that it is 64-bit capable.  You can try to force it by
editing the GRUB entries (replace $ISADIR with amd64) but that's likely
to fail if GRUB's auto-detection of the platform didn't work.

You could also try the build 93 development ISO as OS changes since
2008.05 may allow it to just work.

Filing a bug at defect.opensolaris.org (distribution/opensolaris/livecd)
would be helpful.


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