> There were enough problems with how the stuff from
> blastwave/csw was packaged to make it distasteful to
> use, this simply puts the last nail in the coffin.
> For the most part I build everything from the source,
> for those that I don't really want to take the time
> to build I'll go to www.sunfreeware.com


Although CSW packages were not perfect (i.e. never fully System V compliant), 
going from CSW to Sunfreeware is like going from riding a horse to riding a 

I suppose that if one goes in with the mindset of "I'll just run make; make 
install", one wouldn't care about how badly Sunfreeware stuff is packaged (no 
dependencies, /usr/local), otherwise, that stuff should never even see the 
light of day, let alone ever be installed on a production system.

Anybody with an insane idea of still "packaging" stuff into /usr/local and not 
declaring dependencies obviously doesn't fully understand what they are doing.

With that written, best of luck with Sunfreeware!
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