I'm still less than clear as to what that means to the main thing I've used up 
now, namely the CSW stack of SVR4 pkg Solaris software (for home use over the
years on everything from Solaris 8 though SXCE snv_93).  I did see the mention
of the new mirror, and changed my pkg-get.conf accordingly.

But there's one nuisance, at least for anyone with gpg installed but who didn't
already have the keys loaded: they're notably harder to find now, not being
on your entry page anymore.  Fortunately, I had them in my account even if not
in root's (on a relatively new installation where I'd never tried to run pkg-get
under su -  before).

I appreciate that whatever you're up to, the disruption to those who have 
on the services you have historically provided hasn't been anywhere near as dire
as some have made it out to be.  Had you gone just a little further (spelling
out pkg-get.conf changes someone might need, maybe something to help with
the gpg key situation), I wouldn't be saying anything now.

Whatever you're doing, and whatever brought on the change, I hope it works out
for you...and thanks for what you've done for so long now.
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