On Sun, Aug 10, 2008 at 4:30 PM, UNIX admin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> There were enough problems with how the stuff from
>> blastwave/csw was packaged to make it distasteful to
>> use, this simply puts the last nail in the coffin.
>> For the most part I build everything from the source,
>> for those that I don't really want to take the time
>> to build I'll go to www.sunfreeware.com
> Heh!
> Anybody with an insane idea of still "packaging" stuff into /usr/local and 
> not declaring dependencies obviously doesn't fully understand what they are 
> doing.

But of course you've read the text provided with the hyperlink that
states the dependencies eh? ;-)

To be honest with you I use both CSW and sunfreeware at times. CSW
when I need something really really quick and dont care too much for
the bloatware dependencies installed, sunfreeware when I have a bit
more time to spend on what I need, and sources when I want to make
myself unmissable at work ;-)

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