> Hi Waynel
> Please don't get me wrong. I myself am responsible
> for driving openoffice adoption at my work place. I
> myself have gone from wordstar to word perfect (5.02)
> to word and then I used star office before openoffice
> existed. But because I have also worked with
> documentation  team, I have seen first hand at what
> word processors excel at and what they don't (my
> personal opinion).

Glad to know that someone here has also used WordPerfect.  :-)  We still have a 
sizable number of hardcore "WP" loyalists gathering together at wpuniverse.com 
.  To me, this is still the best wordprocessing software in the history of 
mankind, only to be betrayed by its owners.  Excellent lesson not to be 
addicted to close sourced software.

> Yes, they are good at rendering now but still they
> are primarily a personal productivity tools... And
> thus not well suited to team projects. 
> I have a great interest in the art of typesetting,
> but I'm sorry to say nothing - not even framemaker
> which is used by airbus for aircraft manuals, come
> close to tex... Knuth's work is a piece of human
> master-piece. Really!
> Don't you feel that we as community should be
> contributing or starting what we feel is missing ?

Exactly, we, especially those of us who don't have thing to do with Sun, should 
do something about that.

> I appreciate you gave your time for this
> discussion.... I too feel that documentation  is
> lacking but never thought others feel so too... And
> with this intensity.
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