Just realized that with all my innuendos and wild suggestions, I failed to 
comment on the quality of the documents themselves.

This issue is particularly worth mentioning because (I don't know about you 
but) I am very impressed with the quality, especially readability, of Sun's new 
generation of documents.

Using the "Getting Started With OpenSolaris 2008.05" as an example, it was 
written in a way that it actually tries to anticipate most of the questions 
that an OpenSolaris user wannabe might have, and then answers them beforehand.  
It is also very thoroughly cross-referenced.  The author has clearly 
demonstrated the s/he has gone through the trail him/herself (probably several 
times), and is eager to share his/her experience with the rest of the world.  
Documentation is always one of the strongest suits  of Solaris, but this time 
Sun's documentation team seems to have just outdone itself.
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