> This is a freetype problem, and such problems can
> impact anything. Nevada builds are anything but
> "lightly tested" developer snapshots. They didn't
> even introduce the problem - freetype folks did!

Hi Akhilesh,

Me again.  I understand this can be blamed as a "freetype" problem, but it is 
really beyond my freaking mind why we want to use the "SolBookMono" font 
(whatever that is) in documents that are expected to be read almost exclusively 
by those who are running a beta OS that is expectedly in a state of constant 
flux (& thus has no luxury of carefully updating the fonts.conf file)?

In comparison, other Sun documents that use the plain old "Courier" fonts for 
monospaced characters have no problems being displayed, whatever version of the 
Nevada build, including B95.

On your comment about the crappy look of OpenOffice.org (in Build 84), I don't 
notice it.  But as I mentioned in separate posts, there are more serious 
problems in (and only in) the Solaris version of OOo that will render this 
favorable OS of ours unacceptable (at least for desktop use) in certain parts 
of the world.  About a month ago, I mentioned this problem to one of Sun's 
community managers whose job is to promote OOo.  He avoided me like a plague.
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