Bill Shannon wrote:
> On a different but related topic...
> I downloaded the snv_98 iso, burned it to DVD (it wouldn't fit on a CD),
> but when I try to boot on an old Dell 4550 it fails in a different way
> each time I try - sometimes disk errors, sometimes some problem with some
> service, sometimes other things, all really weird failures.  An old
> 2008.05 CD that I burned boots and runs just fine.
> Did I make a mistake by burning it to DVD?
> I'm going to try installing 2008.05 and upgrade my way to snv_98.
One thing I've noticed on an old laptop I had is that it couldn't read 
DVD +.  I had to reburn it on a DVD -.  Again, the very first DVD 
readers did not read DVD + format, which is almost forgotten today.

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