Girts Zeltins writes:
> I am interesting to know when GNOME 2.24 will be integrated in Solaris?

A quick google search shows that the gate is based on 2.24:

and that it was integrated around build 99:

> Is there any info about planned changes in Solaris for future in this and 
> next year? I am interesting what is planned for future.

You'll probably want to contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
That's where discussions about the desktop software are held.

> How about JDS marketing?
> Is there plan to go away from JDS name and use in all place GNOME?

I'm not sure that's on-topic for any OpenSolaris list (why would Sun's
marketing be an open source issue?), but if it is, I'd guess that'd
also be something for the desktop group.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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