> Second that ! = . Speaking as a newbe who tried to get source to work in
> usr/local then tried again repathing through /usr/sfw so as not to
> dublicate dependencies or internal source effort only to have bad luck and
> multiple errors. What Dennis has done is awsome!! My relucktance is in
> keeping /opt/csw/bin in lead. Mostly I now use csw call within kde so
> hopefully the applications in that desktop keep the path straight. Wish
> someone could better explain this stuff from reliably standpoint??

It is piles of community people helping other community people.

But I have done what I can with automake, autoconf, m4, gcc 4.3.2, pca,
samba 3.2.2 and a few others in there. I'm going to be working with
Ken Mays to get the latest KDE bits released and we have them all
in testing at the moment. Firefox is done .. I'm using it now. I'm
looking at coreutils and binutils and such .. because Samba won't
compile these days unless I use GNU as for some obscure reason.

Another topic in hot discussion is whether we should put the sources
into /opt/csw/src/packagename_rev or not. Mostly people feel "not"
but I think disk and bandwidth is cheap so .. who knows.

Then I really have to get the IPS repo synced .. its rotting at the moment.

Feel free to see that we have a cool guy working on falcon for us
and that is very very new :

dclarke: I have compiled and pre-installed the falcon package.
<jonnymind>     it's in /opt/build/falcon/build-0.8.11-10
<dclarke>       cool, I'll go look
<jonnymind>     there is a testfalcon.sh script that sets up the
                environment variables needed to run falcon without
                full installation

that was .. gee ... thirty secs ago.

  See http://www.falconpl.org/

info is in the forums :


I'm working on the release of a pile of things as well as the fully
automated process that kicks out packages in 15 minute intervals. At the
moment we have testing synced every 15 minutes to blastwave.network.com
and the unstable tree goes out four times a day ( mirrors all over the
place ). The keys and root level are already distributed to a few other
guys so work in the S10 AMD64 and Sparc racks are going on independantly.
Yeah, we still have Solaris 8 around .. and probably always will. :-) 
Critical stuff like GCC etc gets built that way. KDE is a Solaris 10
upwards thing only.

by the way .. we went live in Oct 2002 so this is six years.



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