Michael Schuster wrote:
> Fredrich Maney wrote:
>> I want Sun and the Solaris and OpenSolaris communities to realize that
>> they have, bar none, the best OS on the planet 
> You're preaching to the choir :-)
> it's the people who aren't in these communities that we want to convince, 
> and - or so I understand - giving them something (a lot of) them are 
> familiar with (even if it's "inferiour" to what many of "us" know) was seen 
> as a valid step in that direction.
> thx for the support!
> Michael

I've been reading this thread for a while now.  Some of my thoughts are 
why can't you deliver both.  In the install, just ask which 
personality/flavor you want "solaris classic or gnu".  It's just a 
simple PATH variable to have it.  If you really want to get creative, 
give a third choice, a mix to your liking, just link which binaries are 
chosen to a different directory, then put that directory first in the 
PATH variable.  If you keep a text file of these links any future 
updates can read this and accommodate the new personality.  One could 
even create a gui configuration to map out the personality that future 
updates can read.

Now you have Opensolaris that can satisfy any user.

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