On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 10:24 AM, Lurie <y...@gmx.co.uk> wrote:
> While I agree with you about that, I still stand by my point that IPS is a 
> good thing, and given Sun's need for paid-support repositories, integration 
> with zones, SMF support, ZFS support, they would've ended with a lot of 
> patches on their hands.

You didn't read Moinak's blog.
Plus (my personal amendment): Instead of either writing IPS from
scratch, or going the BeleniX way, they could have integrated that
functionality into conary, instead of doing that expensive slow

> As for the time it has taken, it's not just the development time, once you've 
> written some complex piece of code in say N months, you could easily 
> implement the whole thing from scratch in N/M months, it's the slow 
> development of ideas that should be counted too.
> Moreover, now when most of the code is in place and working, the team can 
> quickly introduce new features as they are well familiar with the codebase 
> and know the design well to easily extend IPS.

You mean now that the code is in place"?
Like ...
"Now, after facts have been created without ever having asked the
community (made a referendum) for what it wants?
"Now after 2 years?"
"Now after all those engineers involved had to work on - and get money
for - this,
rather than on/for something more innovative (IPS is not an
innovation, due to the long-existing conary) and more useful?"

>> The user side experience of IPS is no doubt very
>> good but is no different from a good Linux package manager
>> like Smart/Yum (with the exception of ZFS features).
> Unfortunately, I don't find yum to be a good package manager for some of the 
> reasons I listed above.

Bingo. That's why Moinak said "Smart/Yum", rather than "Yum".
That's quite a difference.

>> From a developer point of view  these qualities could have been got by far
>> less effort and far less code/complexity.
> In the short run ? Maybe. In the long run ? I don't think so.

Please read this:

Also make some research about conary.
I wonder if you might not consider changing your mind during the process.

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