"Alex Smith (K4RNT)"
<shadowhun...@gmail.com> writes:

> I like what you're doing... will keep tuned.
> Will Splunk do what you're looking for, or have you reviewed it? Sorry
> if you already have.

Splunk is aimed at much broader level than my scripting.  I'm not sure
if the same logging input would occur either.  I've never used splunk
but from what I've read here and there it tries to gather all logs,
even across a network for a collection of hosts to uncover problems
by observing patterns that kind of scope would allow.

I suppose it could be setup for on a smaller scale but I believe its
intent is the large scope.

What I meant about whether it would gather the same log data, is that
the fifo I use is being written to by a rule like *.*, in
/etc/syslog.conf which would normally only be called for when debugging

I hoped to use it for a finer grain splitting of log messages than
syslog.conf or even syslog-ng can do readily.

What got me started was seeing certain messages in the logs I don't
understand and wanting to collect them right from the system logger as
the occurred.

I still haven't solved that problem... hehe... too many other things
going on right now.. But I started thinking that the fifo reader might
be very handy at times, so decided to go ahead and get a good working
perl script together.  

I'm still working on that too, in between several other things I'm
involved with.

One of the biggest time drains for me is hanging out with my Great,
Great grand children.  A pair of twin boys that are really a joy to be

They are just entering there eleventh mnth  One is walking pretty well
already and the other right behind him.  They both have very
recognizable personalities already.  I don't know who gets the most
out of our time together... but I suspect its me.  Those two little
fellas have captured my heart and then some.

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