dmpk2k wrote:
I also have a graybeard sysadmin colleague who froths against Solaris. I have 
noticed, however, that all his rants have to do the command-line. Remove those, 
and I suspect he'd suddenly be a bit more mellow. I'm trying to convince him to 
give Solaris another spin, and given his continuous problems with Linux's LVM 
and RAID, it might even happen.
I suspect he's a holdover from the switch from SunOS to Solaris, way back in the early 90s. SunOS was a BSD-based system, and many old-timers really disliked the switch to the SVR4-based Solaris. Plus, honestly, as someone who used Solaris at the time, Solaris 2.0 and 2.1 were completely unusable, 2.2 was slightly less unusable, and a (very heavily patched) 2.3 was finally usable. But, for about 3 years there, the SunOS -> Solaris transition was very rocky.

All of that of course is ancient history. If he's wedded to the *BSD way of doing systems, well, then, he's likely using an apt-based Linux (Debian or Ubuntu) rather than an rpm-based one (SUSE or RedHat), and it's gonna be hard to get him to change his mindset. But at least Solaris still has the SunOS userland utils in /usr/ucb :-)

Ask him how he feels about HPUX.   :-)

Erik Trimble
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