> Thanks for the info. However, I am still surprised that there is no ability 
> to install from local files 
> as we approach for 4th release. On the face of it, it would seem an easy 
> thing to add. I guess 
> if I really needed it I could add it myself.

Yes! Look at people who are coming over from Linux:

   Red Hat has the idea of installing software from "rpm" files and the more 
sophisticated "yum install" command for installing from network repositories 
manages the dependencies among these rpm files. Red Hat Linux servers can be 
unreliable and get borked up all the time and usually the only way to fix the 
borked system is to "rebuild from rpms" where you have the rpm files on a 
remote network file system or installation DVD or thumbdrive and use the "rpm 
-ivh" command to re-install the broken parts of the operating system from the 
RPM files. For example, I once was called in as a consultant to fix some other 
company's broken Red Hat system and the "yum install" command was segfaulting 
so I had to re-install the "yum" functionality using RPM files. How would you 
do this in OpenSolaris if IPS was broken? Maybe re-install IPS from an old SysV 
package with "pkgadd -d" ?

Debian and Ubuntu have the same idea as RPM's with their "dpkg" files and the 
way apt and aptitude work on top of "dpkg". There should be something similar 
with IPS where you can download the IPS package file for say, SUNWtree or 
SUNWtop offline and then "pkg install" from the file instead of from a network 

Oh, and there should be a way to some how put customized scripts inside these 
package files for automation (like what you can already do with SysV pkg files) 
so that I can deploy a thousand systems at one time and have them all 
automatically configure themselves (like what Flash Archive and Jumpstart does 
in Solaris 10).
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