Mike knows all of this I believe, so this is mainly for others:

On 01/28/10 11:11 PM, Mike Gerdts wrote:
In my mind the key things that seem to be missing for it to be able to
take the baton from Solaris 10 are:
- The ability to host all of the media required on my own install servers

Planned; non-technical issues have made this difficult. It was provided for the 2009.06 release.

- The ability to install software from a file

Missed 2010.03; already in progress for the next.

- Speed improvements for pkg command, particularly on CMT

There have been significant performance improvements to the point where many operations can take less than a second (or 500ms even) now on x86 systems. However, significant optimisation work remains for SPARC/CMT.

- Package signing to ensure integrity of bits delivered.

Tentatively scheduled for the next release.

- Refactor package names

Coming in the next build or so I believe. Some of this has already been done.

Shawn Walker
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

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