I have to stress here some things. At the time when SUN supportedOpenSolaris 
there were room for other support providers as well.For example SUN had its 
OpenStorage line, while guys from Nexentamade their distribution with GNU added 
software especially dedicatedfor storage market. Only obstacle they had is that 
SUN had muchbetter distribution channels than start-up company like Nexenta,but 
they are succeeded and today going very well, too.
To conclude, that business model is already "in charge". ORACLEprobably won't 
organize its product offer as SUN did where youwere able to buy commercial 
support for any OpenSolaris200{8.05, 8.11, 9.06}. From my point of view, of 
course thereare room for start-up companies to enter into that market, 
butobviously it is not so huge since ORACLE decided to give up.
Personally, I'd be happy if they continue their bi-weekly buildrelease and 
normalize their stable release on each six months.Later wish is not as much 
important for me as first one, though.
What has to be improved is porting of open source ecosystemto OpenSolaris. 
>From support of middleware depends its future. 

> Date: Sat, 20 Feb 2010 14:12:53 +0100
> From: minik...@gmail.com
> To: opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org
> Subject: Re: [osol-discuss] What's Going to Happen to OpenSolaris?
> Hernan Saltiel wrote:
> > Hi!
> > As far as I'm concerned, if Oracle decides not to support OpenSolaris,
> > or to use a Red Hat like policy having Solaris as the "commercialy
> > supported" operating system, and OpenSolaris as the "developers" one,
> > we will fall into something not as bad as mentioned in several mailing
> > lists I'm reading.
> > What's the problem? We will have a "Stallman like" support schema,
> > where the customer will decide which support provider to contract, and
> > then evaluate which has more knowledge.
> > In the country I live, they are several GNU/Linux support providers,
> > and they work a lot. Normally, when I talk with IT managers of big
> > companies, and ask for the support provider, it's very often to
> > receive "XXXXX local provider" for answer.
> > Let's see this as a new opportunity to create, not to destroy.
> > Best regards,
> >  
> > HeCSa.
> I think you are right and I very much like what you are saying.
> It could mean both opportunity for further wide spreading of Opensolaris
> with wider support and offers of Opensolaris on local levels.
> Sounds like win/win situation for all to me, for both Oracle and users.
> After this, there is definitely more room for OpenSolaris growing.
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