Meanwhile, Nexenta offers various support options for OpenSolaris-based NexentaStor:

This is of course for storage appliances only.

Edward Martinez wrote:
Indeed, the web page with OpenSolaris support
subscription offers dissapeared and is replaced now
with Solaris support page, we were planning to buy
OpenSolaris support subscriptions because we already
have some production systems running on
X4540/OpenSolaris and our new shiny iSCSI/FC SAN is
based on ZFS/COMSTAR, but now it's not clear how to

It appears Oracle is planning  to follow a similar path like RedHat's. where 
Oracle will  sale Solaris to businesses and leave Opensolaris to the community 
as development OS, where new open source software goes in first before it's 
added to Solaris, like RedHat is doing with Fedora.
If this ends up being the case you  might have to run Solaris if you want 
support from Oracle
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