> # tail pkg.log 
>  1.7255       schedctl()                                      = 0xFEC69000
> 0.0002        sigaction(SIGINT, 0x08047650, 0x080476D0)       = 0
> 421.4744      open("/usr/lib/locale/en_US.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo", 

stack backtrace for the pkg process at the
time after the sigaction() system call:

core 'core.3048' of 3048:       /usr/bin/python2.6 /usr/bin/pkg install 
 fed85a88 update_refs (fedf3a50) + c
 fed8644c collect  (2, fedcc63c, 80476d8, fed86e72) + 238
 fed86e9c PyGC_Collect (0, fedcc63c, 80476f8, fed78c98, 0, fedcc63c) + 34
 fed766e7 Py_Finalize (0, fedcc63c, 8047738, fed7791b, 0, fedcc63c) + 47
 fed78c98 Py_Exit  (0, fedcc63c, 8047738, fed77912) + 18
 fed7791b handle_system_exit (80a3a40, fedcc63c, 8047778, fed78152, 80a3a40, 
80a3a40) + 13f
 fed77959 PyErr_PrintEx (1, 8047af7, 101, fed77608) + 31
 fed77619 PyErr_Print (80477c0, fefc47a4, 8047aff, 1, fed76c46, 0) + 1d
 fed772b2 PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags (fef867e8, 8047af7, 1, 804789c) + 1c2
 fed76c46 PyRun_AnyFileExFlags (fef867e8, 8047af7, 1, 804789c) + 6e
 fed85694 Py_Main  (4, 80479a8, feef6f25, 8050b88, 10000, 0) + a94
 08050bdf main     (4, 80479a8, 80479bc, 804799c) + 63
 08050aed _start   (4, 8047ae4, 8047af7, 8047b04, 8047b0c, 0) + 7d

Python seems to be running a garbage collection
at system exit, and this touches lots of memory.

And I suspect that the pkg process on your machine
has a RSS > available free memory.
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