On Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 4:50 PM, Jürgen Keil <jrgn.k...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> I ran pkg install with truss, in the hope of
>> discovering why it takes so long to complete,
>> especially AFTER it has reported that every thing is installed.
> You are running a fresh install of b133, correct?
> Has pkg been always that slow?
> I suspect that pkg has been reasonably fast for the
> first few packages that you installed, but has
> become slower and slower the more packages
> have been installed?

Hello Mr. Keil:  If you suspect a standard bin/pkg to run ^reasonably
fast ^, then all your systems must be Quad core i7´s with 8GB ram.
Is this the new minimum requirement for 2010.03?

If you are a regular follower of pkg-discuss and caiman-discuss, then
you should know the memory consumption peak values and associated

What you meant in this context was probably ^RELAtively fast ^, but
that is a difference.
The rela- then only refers to other IPS pkg- testruns themselves,
rather than to any truly ^reasonably fast ^ packaging system.

It seems you only run OpenSolaris on state-of-the-art hardware.
If you ever tried it on a Pentium III with 1024MB ram recently, then
you would have chose a different wording in the first place.
Let alone trying to use it on UltraSPARC II/IIi/IIe/IIe+ workstations
such as on the Blade 150.
Which other packaging systems did you compare pkg to?
Did you compare it to e.g. Yum, Apt, Smart or Conary?

Or more directly, did you try BeleniX or Nexenta?
I recommend you

Package management meta-tools: survey and state of the art



But most of all: To simply try a few alternative packaging frameworks.
You should enjoy the little difference         :)

IPS is an anti-investment.
Like a black hole.
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