On 02/27/10 05:57 PM, Jürgen Keil wrote:
I suspect that pkg has been reasonably fast for the
first few packages that you installed, but has
become slower and slower the more packages
have been installed?

Not that much packages installed after fress install
That is, on your fresh b133 install from livecd, the
first package install "pkg install diagnostic/wireshark"
is already slow in the post install phase  (slow:  more
than 10 minutes) ?
well, it was not the first package I installed on my fresh install, but it was the first time I installed THIS package.
What process size is listed by prstat or top for
the "pkg" process during the post install phase?

(In top I observe 180M during the install phase,
and 390M post install, on a fresh b133 install,
when I install wireshark as the first package)
I did not check but I suspect the same figures more or less from what I saw on other packages I installed.

As a matter of fact I had also thunderbird+firefox so the memory usage was a bit high. I just retried it now without any other "heavy app" other than X+gnome, and it went much much faster (7-8mn) I noticed as well that arc cache was much lower than the last time (<100M vs >180M). I suspect an interaction between pkg memory consumption and zfs arc_cache.
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