Reading several threads about the lack of information regarding what's going on with Oracle and their relation and initiatives with the communities all around the globe, I think it would be cool if we open a new section at the opensolaris.org home page. Maybe this would be great if we consider how some blogs / news sites have (maybe) wrong information and/or news, and how several members of our local communities are being invaded with (maybe) wrong and apocalyptic rumors about the future of OpenSolaris. I lead a local community in Argentina, and it's very hard to say "I don't know, but I understand this information is wrong" all the time. Maybe this page ("Official News about OpenSolaris", maybe?) will be *αΊ—he* place where the OGB and the Oracle people would place the *concrete* actions and news about our operating system.
Opinions? Concerns?
Thanks for your attention, and best regards,

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