Hi, Simon!

On 04/ 4/10 04:25 PM, Simon Phipps wrote:
[I've included opensolaris-discuss@ for this message, but please direct 
follow-up only to ogb-disc...@]

On Apr 4, 2010, at 20:17, HeCSa wrote:

Reading several threads about the lack of information regarding what's going on 
with Oracle and their relation and initiatives with the communities all around 
the globe, I think it would be cool if we open a new section at the 
opensolaris.org home page.
Maybe this would be great if we consider how some blogs / news sites have 
(maybe) wrong information and/or news, and how several members of our local 
communities are being invaded with (maybe) wrong and apocalyptic rumors about 
the future of OpenSolaris.
I lead a local community in Argentina, and it's very hard to say "I don't know, but 
I understand this information is wrong" all the time.
Maybe this page ("Official News about OpenSolaris", maybe?) will be *αΊ—he* place 
where the OGB and the Oracle people would place the *concrete* actions and news about our 
operating system.
Opinions? Concerns?
Thanks for your attention, and best regards,
Given that any such information would most likely be delivered through the 
minutes of an OGB meeting, surely publication of the minutes is sufficient?

The situation we are facing is not the lack of OGB meeting minutes. We can access them, and read what the OGB have spoken about in every meeting. We need something clear and direct appearing in the opensolaris.org homepage pointing to the official information about the future of OpenSolaris, Oracle and the communities, etc. Maybe a summary of the OGB meetings addressing those topics would be sufficient, but I still think it needs to be clearly present in our homepage. We are living very interesting times, and every change implies a lot of rumors. We need to stop them with first hand information.
What do you think about this?

Thanks, and best regards,


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