You (Erlan Sergaziev) wrote:
> >>>>"I must say though, hearing that the dev builds have stopped being made 
> >>>>public sounds encouraging, it could be that 2010.04 is on it's way!"
> LOL. If builds were regular before and suddenly stopped it's a good sign that 
> Oracle eh ... is about to deliver :)

Do you actually read, what's written here?

Same happened before 2009.06 was delivered! That's, why he calls it a good

> I hope Oracle people do understand what kind of hassle they're creating by 
> keeping silent about osol future.

As I stated: It's not Oracle that needs to adopt. It's us here, that need to
UNDERSTAND the difference in outbound messaging between Sun and Oracle!

Matthias Pfützner | Tel.: +49 700 PFUETZNER      | "Du warst doch mal roman-
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D-64289 Darmstadt | AIM: pfuetz, ICQ: 300967487  | jetzt rheumatisch."     K.
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