Hugh> Back in May 2008, there was a question on desktop-discuss asking whether
Hugh> Solaris sendmail could be configured as an SASL auth client.  The answer
Hugh> from John Beck was "no, because [of] some issues with Solaris' libsasl
Hugh> implementation that are preventing this work from moving forward".

Hugh> So my question is whether this is fixed?

No.  :-(

Hugh> ... what, if anything, are people doing for a setup which includes:

Hugh> 1. a dynamic IP-based home system which wants to send email from the
Hugh> command line.

Hugh> 2. a mail server with custom domain name on a static IP-based system
Hugh> out on the web.

Hugh> ...

Hugh> So do any home-based Solaris users just not send command line email
Hugh> except to their own domain (which I may be able to live with, maybe).
Hugh> Or is there a way to get SMTP auth to work?

For scenario #1, I would recommend STARTTLS; see

for some tips on getting that going.  For scenario #2 (which is the one my
personal domain is in), I use it in such a way that I am not relaying.  See

for details on which scenarios are and are not considered relaying.  When
I am mobile, I don't try to send directly from my laptop.  I either send
from my G-mail account (with my address "masqueraded" as my personal domain
address), or I set up a VPN so I send from a Sun/Oracle IP address, or
(least often) I log in to my home server and send directly from there.
I'm not sure how scalable these solutions are to others, but they work
for me and my relatively small-use personal domain.

-- John

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