Hi John,

Thanks for the reply.

John Beck wrote:
Hugh> ... what, if anything, are people doing for a setup which includes:

Hugh> 1. a dynamic IP-based home system which wants to send email from the
Hugh> command line.

Hugh> 2. a mail server with custom domain name on a static IP-based system
Hugh> out on the web.

Hugh> So do any home-based Solaris users just not send command line email
Hugh> except to their own domain (which I may be able to live with, maybe).
Hugh> Or is there a way to get SMTP auth to work?

For scenario #1, I would recommend STARTTLS; see


Thanks for this pointer -- it looks like this is what I'll be going with. I've go the Solaris end of this set up and now need to make postfix deal with this on the mail server end (yes, yes, I know ...)

However, in postfix, permit_tls_clientcerts seems to be a straight replacement for permit_sasl_authenticated, so this should work provided that I can prevent this interfering with normal mail reception.

for some tips on getting that going.  For scenario #2 (which is the one my
personal domain is in), I use it in such a way that I am not relaying.  See


Yes, I think I know about relaying, but the answer below amounts to "don't send commandline email from the dynamic IP system". Which I may need to do, but hope to avoid right now.

for details on which scenarios are and are not considered relaying.  When
I am mobile, I don't try to send directly from my laptop.  I either send
from my G-mail account (with my address "masqueraded" as my personal domain
address), or I set up a VPN so I send from a Sun/Oracle IP address, or
(least often) I log in to my home server and send directly from there.
I'm not sure how scalable these solutions are to others, but they work
for me and my relatively small-use personal domain.

I also have webmail, which is not on your list but also works. It's just that there are occasional reasons to want to email from the command line, although to be honest not commonly.

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