On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 10:04:18PM -0700, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
> > The problem I had to deal with was smart phones!
> > 
> > I run the family website/mail server.  Everything was
> > fine when it was just people at home on desktops.
> > Laptops weren't big in the family at the time, smart
> >  phones came first.
> > 
> > So I had to get SASL authentication working.  I ended
> > up building generic Sendmail with the Blastwave SASL
> > libraries, then spending another evening trying to
> > figure out how to get Sendmail and libsasl talking
> > and authentication working.  I did, so now it's not a
> > big deal to add another account.  But it was more
> > hassle than Solaris should have put me through...
> > 
> > Linux wins again on this one.  I love Solaris and
> > ZFS, but it's getting harder and harder to use
> > Solaris as a "home" server when "yum install xxx"
> > already has everything done for you.
> I really don't get this.
> <RANT>
> I would think that it would make sense for Solaris/OpenSolaris to have all the
> infrastructure stuff (and I'd regard sendmail or an alternative like postfix 
> as
> in that category) in their maximally functional form, to handle all sorts of 
> situations.
> Not to mention asterisk ready to download, and also WiFi support for acting as
> an access point.  I mean really, why are there DC powered Sun servers unless
> they're being sold to the phone companies?  So having anything that could be
> remotely construed as communications software would only make sense, right?
> Be great to be able to get a comms appliance (for a coffee shop or small hotel
> to be able to use one box as a customer WiFi AP, router, a firewall, a VPN to 
> keep
> company business separate from customer traffic, a store web site, a PBX if
> appropriate, etc).  With zones or LDOMs it should be no big deal to keep all
> those functions isolated on a single box...
> </RANT>

I understand your point but you should realize that Solaris development
at Oracle is not free, especially because the Solaris organization has
an extensive development process to ensure quality code at a enterprise
server level.  As a result of the cost of development new feature work
is generally prioritized by business case.  This is one of the reasons
Solaris sendmail doesn't support SASL at this point.  Note that Solaris
does have a native libsasl so SASL support in sendmail is certainly a
Will Fiveash
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