> On 29 Jun 2010, at 15:16, Chad Welsh wrote:
> > testing the waters to see if I can get away with
> treating Oracle employee's the same way they treat us
> community members and hope that I don't get banned
> from this one way free for all.
> If you're aware of Oracle employees personally
> abusing community members, I'm sure
> <larry.elli...@oracle.com> would like to hear about
> it.

Personally, I doubt there are, and think he's going over the top just to make
a point.  I for one have _no_ problem with the typical Oracle (formerly
Sun) employee; to the contrary, many go above and beyond the call;
and the rest of us should perhaps make all the more point of mentioning
that under the circumstances, so that they're well aware that we know
it's not them (or is it they?) that are the problem.

However, I think Oracle's _policy_ of silence being applied the way it
is, _is_ abusive of community.  That's certainly not the fault of
your average Oracle employee...so maybe putting a flea in the head
honcho's ear _would_ be addressing the real problem...which
probably comes from or near the top, whether in origin or by
neglect of  recognizing the need for a little more flexibility
and freakin' _delegation_ (a good thing usually) in certain cases.

As to whether they've actually not said enough...well, technically
we've got a day or two before they've slipped beyond 1st half 2010,
which I think is what the last official word said to expect.  But if
they want to be taken seriously, they've got that long to either
release something or just _tell us_ what to expect.

Me, I'm pretty sure that if they want to get it right, it'll be ready when
it's ready.  Maybe the show-stopper bugs are tough.  Maybe the
organizational transition, or personnel turnover, or some other high
priority project is slowing things down.  Maybe as long as something
does come out, and we have an approximate timeframe in which
to expect it, it's none of our business exactly what's taking so long.

So I'm not bothered so much by the delay, as by the silence.

PS I'm pretty sure I tried emailing the previously mentioned
address some time back, and it bounced.  Perhaps an email
coming from someone at fortune500.com won't bounce, but
one coming from homeu...@isp.net (both fictional, but you get
the point) will.  If someone does try to email the man, then
please to remember that courtesy and brevity will likely get
much further than rudeness...
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