Apparently Ed you have been gone since the beginning of the Opensolaris 
movement, because Murdock and Company were doing just what you saying is not 
true, they wanted an OS that ran on laptops and could still be a top running 
server OS. If they did not want only a server OS why go to all the trouble to 
update Gnome or integrate Codeina or Moovida or any of the other non server 
applications bundled and updated on the repo?

I really understand some of what you are discussing but your views are very 
one-sided. Have you thought of all the people that go to user groups? They are 
not lugging their mainframes in the trains and in their cars to show up and 

Also maybe you  forgot or never saw this demo by a Sun Employee Part 1 and Part 

So I guess their focus was never laptops only big clunky sit at the office 

Just my thoughts, got yours?
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