This is well off-topic for this list, but, for the record, I've been following 
OpenBSD -current for about a year, running on VirtualBox, without issue. I've 
been following the trac notifications since last year, and the only open issue 
I've seen is an old one indicating problems with software-only virtualisation 
(no VT-x/AMS-V), which is a documented requirement. Some people have claimed 
further problems, but there aren't required details (log files) reported to 
allow follow-up.

Seems like trolling to rant about this here, let alone doing so without getting 
into that level of specifics.

Von meinem iPhone gesendet

Am 4 Jul 2010 um 16:03 schrieb Gary <>:

> :...ensures the product always meets professional quality criteria. "
> That is a misstatement if ever I've heard one.  SUN/VirtualBox say OpenBSD IS 
> a supported guest os.  For the longest time I had segmentation faults when 
> trying to install OpenBSD and finally have succeeded in not having them 
> anymore.
> However, if you read the open bugs, you will notice some people are STILL 
> having segmentation faults and other problems related to the *supported 
> guest*.
> They either need to drop OpenBSD from their list of supported guests or fix 
> the problem once and for all.  Of course, that would drop the number of 
> supported os's from their list, but what is worse, having one less operating 
> system on your list, or having it on your list so people can open bugs and 
> complain that it doesn't work, even though it is "supported?"
> VirtualBox listing OpenBSD is like Ford selling the Pinto.  Well, it only 
> explodes under certain conditions.
> That is as far from professional quality for both!
> -- 
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