Your characterisation here is just as inapt and indifferent to basic 
distinctions as anything else you've had to say on this matter. Anyone who 
wants to know about VirtualBox bug reporting guidelines can look here:

Anyone who wants to know about the ticket, including my update, which, after 
asking for the log info specified in the guidelines, suggests that it be closed 
if the minimum requisite information for problem analysis isn't forthcoming or 
if it turns out to be a different problem, can look here:

I think I've already indulged your trolling too far as it is, so unless you're 
prepared to concede that you've got absolutely no reason to follow up your 
series of baseless aspersions and meandering rants with charging me with "sheer 
stupidity", I trust I can leave it at that.

On 6 Jul 2010, at 16:03, Gary wrote:

> There was plenty of information in the 05/30/2010 VirtualBox ticket.  Yet, 
> your update to the ticket is to have them close it, specifically, when a 
> problem hasn't been addressed?
> That was a real technical update too.  Close it.  Sheer stupidity on your 
> part.
> -- 
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