On 13/07/2010 03:38, John Plocher wrote:
On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 2:16 PM, Giovanni Tirloni<gtirl...@sysdroid.com>  wrote:
Sorry for sounding so pessimist, it feels terrible to see the OpenSolaris 
project going through all of this.
It feels worse to be on the OGB and still being able to do so little
about the problem.

Even the obvious alternative (go do a fork...) is a practical
impossibility for the OGB - even though two members are
distro-creators in their own right, the OGB as the *OpenSolaris
Community Governing Board* doesn't have the resources, time or (IMHO)
moral right to hijack the community that Sun/Oracle chartered and
start up what would effectively be an organization that would compete
with Sun/Oracle in developing a Solaris derivitive...

(Which is not to say that someone else couldn't, shouldn't or wouldn't...)

Does it really need to be a complete fork ? Can we not get an IPS repository set up, akin to dev, where we could follow where the OpenSolaris / Solaris Next development is going. After all, the source is still there, and being updated. Bug reports are still being actioned as far as I know. There are several distros out there, but most of them seem to be aimed at different takes with the OpenSolaris kernel at the heart (different userland, different packaging, different purposing (LiveCDs, etc)). Rich Lowe produced the *on-nightly-142.i386.tar.bz2* <http://genunix.org/dist/richlowe/on-nightly-142.i386.tar.bz2>, with instructions, and that was really welcome, though it didn't play nicely for me with NWAM and I managed to break my install. Can we not collectively continue this sort of work, add the missing bits, and set up an IPS repository. I'd be willing to spend some of my spare time helping out where I can.


E-Mail: rob.mcma...@warwick.ac.uk               PHONE:  +44 24 7652 3037
Rob McMahon, IT Services, Warwick University, Coventry, CV4 7AL, England

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