> What actually bothers me is that this has NOT been a
> Gabby Goose section, at least not until recently.
> And, no, not all "People have to understand" that
> this is not a technical list.  *You* understand it
> to be a not technical list and it is quite
> disingenuous, if not dangerous, to assume that all
>  of the "People" think just like you.
> And as one of the folks comfortable with the "old
> ladies" and the other old men in the coffee shop
> (here in the south we congregate at the Bojangle's
> for breakfast biscuits), I am perplexed as to why
> manners and graciousness have disappeared from so
> much of the public sphere, including this forum.

Nature abhors a vacuum.

Absent solid information, what else is there but speculation,
complaining, complaining about complaining, etc?

If that bores you, there's always www.genunix.org...where it
looks like people will find interesting things to do regardless of
the roaring silence.
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